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Let's have a round of applause for our generous donors and sponsors! Bravo!

We appreciate all of the support we receive from our sponsors every year.  Without your generous donations, we could not make our community enriching programs, classes, and performances possible. Thank you to all those who support our theatre, local students, and the arts.

Individual Sponsors

Mr. Joseph Baldino

Ms. Nella Barkley

Mr. Bert Ross

Ms. Kathy Salisbury

Dr. Jim Dalton

Mr. Kevin Francis

Mr. Kyle Weeks

Mrs. Noel Shinn

Mr. and Mrs. Drury C. Nimmich

Mr. Devin Hodgman

...and our many anonymous donors.

Corporate Gifts and Foundations
American Theatre Wing

Chadwick Dreams LLC

Charleston Mattress


Community Foundation’s Zucker

Family Endowment Fund

Earl and Margaret Chesson Foundation
Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation
The Intertech Group Foundation

New Leaf Landscape Construction

Pinnacle Bank

Will you help us keep the magic in the wings for our community, students, and budding talent?

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